Frequently Asked Questions
Research and Student Research Psychoanalyst - Renewal
Renewal applications are sent by U.S. Mail to the registrant's address of record approximately 90 days prior to the expiration date of a registration.
If you do not receive a renewal application two months prior to your registration expiration date, contact the Board at (916) 263-2382 or (800) 633-2322
to request a duplicate renewal application. To ensure timely receipt of renewal applications, always keep the Board informed of any address changes.
It is the responsibility of the registrant to renew their registration whether a notice has been received or not.
Yes, if you did not renew prior to the date the fees are imposed. A registrant is required by law to notify the Medical Board in writing within
30 days of a change of address.
California law requires that to maintain an active, current registration, each registrant, including out-of-state registrants,
must pay the full biennial renewal fee at the time of registration renewal.
The renewal must be paid within the 90 days prior to the expiration of the registration.
Payment of the renewal fee and completion of the registration renewal application, including a response to the Criminal Conviction Disclosure, are required for registration renewal.If you are currently registered as a student, you must submit one of the following with your renewal application:A statement signed by the registrar of the training institute certifying that you are currently enrolled in psychoanalytic training.A statement signed by the registrar of the training institute certifying the date you completed training.