The law limits a physician to supervise no more than four PAs, except as provided in Business and Professions Code (BPC) section 3502.5, which applies only in a state of emergency.
In addition, Assembly Bill (AB) 1070 (Low, Chapter 827, Statutes of 2023), effective January 1, 2024, amended (BPC section 3516), allowing a physician to supervise up to eight PAs at one time, provided that the PAs are focused solely on performing in home health evaluations. Under this law, these in home health evaluations must only be performed to gather patient information and perform an annual wellness visit or health evaluation and must not involve direct patient treatment or prescribing medication.
This law defines an "‘In home health evaluation" as a comprehensive physical exam, assessment of current and prior health conditions, a complete medication review, screening tests, health education, and assessment of social determination of health needs to be used for diagnosing individual medical conditions.
This law also defines an "annual wellness visit" as a preventive visit with correlating current procedural terminology codes performed annually to a patient, to be used for the purposes of diagnosing patient conditions during the annual wellness visit, which may include a nonphysical examination for patients covered by Medicare Part B for more than 12 months.